We have a diverse range of programs and workshops that cater to all levels, ensuring that our community gets the most out of what we have to offer. Our introductory programs for both riding and yoga are specifically designed to provide newcomers with an easy-to-follow breakdown of what to expect in our classes.


Intro to RIDE - Workshop

Looking to master spin bike fundamentals? Join our workshop and learn everything you need to know about bike setup, form, and technique. We'll teach you basic choreography and help you ride to the beat with confidence. With only 19 spaces available, you'll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive hands-on correction. Whether you're new to spin bikes or an experienced rider looking to try something new, this workshop is perfect for you!

8 Week Intro to Yoga - Program

Join us for an 8-week program where you'll build your understanding and repertoire of foundational postures in a fun and supportive group setting. This class will cover the fundamentals of breath, postures, alignment, deep relaxation, and meditation. Our experienced instructors will guide you through each step of the way, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident in your practice. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, this program is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their practice and build a strong foundation.