Cleansing floods the body with nutrient-rich juice and aids the body in a detoxification process to leave you feeling lighter and healthier. Our juice is formulated with your health in mind. Featuring live enzymes, antioxidants and an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Our R&R cleanses are designed to nourish and purify.


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Intrested in learning more about fresh pressed juice + juice cleanses?

Juice Cleanse FAQs

  • Your juices are numbered based on the order we recommend they be consumed. Throughout the day, enjoy a variety of our signature cold pressed fruit and vegetable juices to up your nutrient intake and keep your taste buds happy!

  • We recommend consuming a juice every 2 – 3 hours, beginning with your first juice shortly after waking and finishing with your last juice at least 1-2 hours before bed. That being said, we want to emphasize the importance of listening to your body; if you feel like you need to leave a little more or little less time between juices, that’s okay – do what works for you.

  • What you consume or avoid consuming during your cleanse is totally up to you and your cleansing goals. Consuming only liquids gives your digestive system a break and your body a chance to focus more entirely on detoxification. That being said, if you are new to cleansing or lead a more active lifestyle and find that your energy levels are uncomfortably low and your hunger levels are uncomfortably high, there is nothing wrong with incorporating some clean solid foods into your cleanse. Some examples of clean solid foods include raw nuts, raw vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains - i.e. oats, quinoa, brown rice, millet - eggs, fish, organic chicken/turkey

  • Yes, coffee and alcohol are liquids. But no, we don’t recommend them during your cleanse. Again, what you choose to consume or avoid consuming is your choice, but in order to reap the most benefits we encourage you to avoid these substances while cleansing.

  • If you have ongoing health issues, a compromised immune system or are pregnant we recommend speaking with your doctor before beginning a juice cleanse. (NOTE: if you are on medication or pregnant, we recommend that you do not consume any juices containing activated charcoal; if you are pregnant or nursing, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before consuming any juices containing Blue Majik).