• Our bodies are exposed to toxins every day from various sources like the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. Although our liver naturally detoxifies these toxins, it can only do so much. As a result, we often experience inflammation, fatigue, illness, and disease.

  • Fresh raw juice is a powerful healing tool, packed with nutrients and antioxidants that help the body fight and heal. Cleansing enables the digestive system to rest while the body eliminates toxins. During a cleanse, we also focus on eliminating more processed foods, giving our bodies a break by focusing on nourishing, easy-to-digest foods. By following a juice cleanse, we boost our body's natural detoxification processes and allow the body to slow down and detox all the built-up toxins.

  • Our cleanses are designed to help you refresh and reset, whether you need to break unhealthy habits, establish a new lifestyle intention, or introduce positive lifestyle changes. Our raw juices offer a great way to help you detox and feel your best.


  • Cold-pressed juice is a convenient and beneficial way to enjoy raw fruits and vegetables. Unlike blending or grinding, cold-pressing juice doesn't denature or degrade fruits and vegetables by exposing them to unnecessary heat and friction. This means you get the most concentrated amount of vital nutrients and enzymes available.

  • We're a top producer and distributor of cold-pressed juice, located in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Every morning we receive fresh produce deliveries, and we work all day to juice orders and keep our grab-and-go fridge stocked. This ensures that you get the freshest juice possible, every time.

  • We're proud to use glass bottles for our juices, not only because they preserve the quality of our products, but also because they're environmentally friendly. Glass made from recycled glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%. By recycling glass bottles, we're also reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. With every sip of our juice, you can feel good knowing that you're making a positive impact on the environment.

  • Our juices are 100% preservative and additive free, and are freshly pressed every day. To ensure that you get the maximum amount of nutrients, we recommend consuming our juices within 3-5 days of purchase.

  • Your juices are numbered based on the order we recommend they be consumed. Throughout the day, enjoy a variety of our signature cold pressed fruit and vegetable juices to up your nutrient intake and keep your taste buds happy!

  • Our cold-pressed juices, nut milks, and shots are made with the highest quality ingredients and are designed to complement your busy, active lifestyle. Our juices are made fresh every day, and are 100% preservative and additive-free, ensuring that you get the maximum amount of nutrients.

    While our juices can be used as part of a cleanse, which may result in weight loss, it is not our main focus. We believe moderation is key to any diet, and the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to make healthy lifestyle changes that are easy to maintain. Our cold-pressed juices, nut milks, and shots are a convenient and natural way to get your daily nutritional requirements.

    Along with a well-balanced diet and moderate exercise, people who drink juice daily report having greater energy, glowing complexions, and higher performing immune systems. Studies also show that they have a reduced risk of disease. As a result, people live happier, more active, and balanced lifestyles, and are not necessarily focused on the numbers they see on the scale.

    We are passionate about health and wellness, and we want to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, boost your immune system, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, our juices, nut milks, and shots are the perfect addition to your daily routine.

  • We recommend consuming a juice every 2 – 3 hours, beginning with your first juice shortly after waking and finishing with your last juice at least 1-2 hours before bed. That being said, we want to emphasize the importance of listening to your body; if you feel like you need to leave a little more or little less time between juices, that’s okay – do what works for you.

  • During your cleanse, you have the freedom to choose what you consume or avoid consuming based on your cleansing goals. Consuming only liquids gives your digestive system a break and your body a chance to focus more entirely on detoxification. If you are new to cleansing or lead a more active lifestyle and find that your energy levels are uncomfortably low and your hunger levels are uncomfortably high, there is nothing wrong with incorporating some clean solid foods into your cleanse. Examples of clean solid foods include raw nuts, raw vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains such as oats, quinoa, brown rice, and millet, eggs, fish, and organic chicken/turkey.

  • While coffee and alcohol are liquids, we don't recommend consuming them during your cleanse. What you choose to consume or avoid consuming is your choice, but in order to reap the most benefits from your cleanse, we encourage you to avoid these substances.

  • If you have ongoing health issues, a compromised immune system, or are pregnant, we recommend speaking with your doctor before beginning a juice cleanse. This is because a juice cleanse can affect your body in different ways, and it's important to ensure that it's safe for you to do so. If you are on medication or pregnant, we recommend that you do not consume any juices containing activated charcoal. If you are pregnant or nursing, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before consuming any juices containing Blue Majik

  • Everyone's body is unique, so it's important to remember that juice cleanses can affect people differently. If you experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or low energy, don't be afraid to modify your cleanse to suit your needs. Remember to prioritize your wellbeing and to incorporate healthy habits into your life in a way that works best for you. With mindfulness and dedication, juice cleanses can be a healthy part of your lifestyle.